Chaozhou embroidery shop

    This namecard has been with me since 2005, just never got round to writing it up. If you want to earn money you should go to Shantou (preferably Chenghai) but if you want culture, go to Chaozhou, which has 1000 yrs of history.

    Chaozhou has several special products, one being porcelain (瓷器), another being embroidery (刺绣). This is the address of a good embroidery shop that sells tablecloths and smaller things like handkerchiefs, and also bookmarks made of skeleton leaves, very pretty.

    抽纱产品展销服务部,潮州市环城西路106号抽纱公司首层(即西湖湖心亭对面)Phone: 0768 2226642 or 13670700988
    Chousha chanpin zhan xiao fuwu bu, 1st floor, 106 Huancheng Lu, Chaozhou (opposite Ji xi hu hu xin ting)

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